Sam Smith

422 days ago

Solid State gets new NED – Ms. "how’s Your father" Sam Smith, you see how this works?

Sam Smith, who quit as CEO of FinnCap (FCAP) shortly before a series (not yet) finished of dire profits warnings having, imprudently, racked up the cost base in the face of an obvious oncoming macro storm, claiming that her resignation was to allow her to get her leg over, now has time on her hands. Sorry to hear about the downturn in the how’s your father department Sam. Anyhow she has today become a NED at Solid State (SOLI).


425 days ago

FinnCap – the legacy of MSM postergirl Sam Smith – truly dismal results ahead of Cenkos merger

IPO’d by Sam Smith, the woman celebrated by the sisterhood and woke media as the postergirl for feminists in the City, at 27p per share, shares in FinnCap (FCAP) are just 7.75p today after the publication of shockingly bad results for the year to March 31. Smith stepped down in September and within weeks there was an awful profits warning and the new CEO had to start slashing costs to survive. Then came a merger with also suffering Cenkos (CNKS), two drunks propping each other up. This is the legacy of Sam Smith, who told the Daily Mail she only stepped down to start getting some “how’s your father.” The reality is Smith fecked it up.


442 days ago

Secret Sauce, Ms I quit FinnCrap to get my Leg Over Sam Smith has a best selling book, STILL doesn't twig that sales are vanity

Sam Smith who, according to a fawning interview in the Daily Mail, quit as CEO of FinnCap (FCAP) in order to end her drought in the “How’s your father” department, has a new book out, The Secret Sauce, which she is plugging on LinkedIn as you can see below. The fawning comments from the sisterhood are truly nauseating, brace yourself and get a sick bag ready. They are in awe as to how Sam turned a £1m turnover per annum business into a £1 million sales per week firm. But hang on, sales are vanity…


627 days ago

Forget wanting to get some how’s your father the reason Sam Smith walked from FinnCap – atrocious results!

On 21 June smug and conceited Sam Smith announced that she was stepping down as CEO of FinnCrap (FCAP) the business she had founded and floated at 27p just three years ago. She left the business on September 28 and, according to one of the sycophantic journalists who have blown smoke up Smith’s arse for being a wonderwoman in a man’s world, yadda, yadda, yadda, this was so she could find time for a bit of How’s Your Father. Whatever. The real reason Smith walked was that she must have been aware just how dire trading was. Today we have results for the6 months to 30 September and they are catastrophic.


663 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Oi Sam Smith stop getting your leg over and go back to FinnCrap - it's falling apart without you!

The legover reference is HERE. I am still very much under the weather with all the symptoms of covid. I am feeling a bit better but not well enough to do more than a few hours work today. Thanks to Steve for taking care of things. In the podcast I discuss Devro  (DVO) – who said young Steve and I could not tip a waiter? Then FinnCap (FCAP) then finally the dire sentiment towards mining stocks. Is it really that bad out there?


797 days ago

Why Smug Sam Smith quit as FinnCap CEO - nothing to do with leg over, Peel Hunt warns

The notion that Sam Smith quit in order to get her leg over, is this morning blown out of the water by a Peel Hunt AGM warning. If Peel is getting battered, how do you think its notably inferior rival, FinnCap, is doing? When is your warning, your smugness? With results in the next couple of weeks, I suggest.


809 days ago

The real reason Smug Sam Smith quit as FinnCap CEO was to get her end away...whatever

Pass the sick bag. You might think that Sam Smith opted to quit as boss of FinnCap (FCAP) the other day was because in the three and a half years since its IPO the shares have slumped by a third despite City advisers hauling in record fees for the past two years. But as the bear market growls it is a matter of when, not if, FinnCrap serves up a dire profits warning so it is better to walk now before the merde really hits the proverbial. But today’s Femail section of the appalling Daily Mail suggests there is a lot more to the story. For starters did you know that the firm Sam started was in the the FTSE 100?


816 days ago

Sam Smith to quit as FinnCrap CEO – a sign that the merde will soon hit the fan

Okay, Sam has a few things to be smug about. She set up FinnCap (FCAP), and 24 years later, it is an AIM-listed Nomad and broker. Furthermore, she has done it all despite – as per hundreds of sycophantic interviews – being a woman in what is largely a male-dominated world. How very ESG, la dee da dee da. But…


855 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: is it game over for Petropavlovsk?

In today’s podcast, I cover Eurasia Mining (EUA), (MADE), Vast Resources (VAST) and Petropavlovsk (POG). I have more shocking news on Kinovo (KINO), whose shares should be suspended, and discuss FinnCrap (FCAP). I promise never to mention the company again if its CEO, smug Sam Smith, donates £100,000 to rogue bloggers for Woodlarks. Of course, she won’t. So I must ask the 95% of Bearcast listeners yet to chip in: please make your donation, HERE  We are now at 20% of target – go on, make it 21% by tomorrow!


926 days ago

Letter to Sam Smith of FinnCrap re Parlsey Box

Sam runs Finncap (FCAP) which earned vast fees floating Parsley Box (MEAL) at 200p last March. The shares are now 17.5p. As a belated celebration of International Women’s Day I have dropped Sam a note.


1293 days ago

Putting fat cat share purchases into context: Sam Smith of Finncap

As per its recent trading statement, Finncap (FCAP), like every other City advisory and broking firm, has enjoyed a quite amazing year. It is the nature of this industry that it is either feast or famine and with massive M&A activity, debt and equity refinancings and even IPOs in the small and mid cap space, even Finncrap must have coined it in. That brings us to today’s news that its, self-important, smug and woke, CEO Sam Smith has bought 130,000 shares at 30.5p.


1608 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: The prick that will burst the Novacyt, Avacta and other Covid test bubbles has arrived - timber!

I start with the defamatory and anti semitic blog attack on me from Bidstack (BIDS) owning loon which I rebutted yesterday HERE. I have now identified the author who is not as “she” claims a female investigative journalist but is a male Bulletin Board Moron. I shall expose his identity and also his close social media links to Bidstack boss Lyin James Draper, which “she” has been trying to hide this weekend, later. When, I wonder did “she” last swap ideas with Lyin’ James? Then I look at the prick which will burst the Coronavirus testing bubble on AIM. If you own shares in Novacyt (NCYT), Avacta (AVCT) or any of the other Covid test plays watch out! Finally, I am in despair at smug Sam Smith of FinnCrap (FCAP), La Horlick and various other women determined to see taxpayers cash spunked by Rishi Sunak on gender quota lines in his start up bailout scheme. This is insanity laid upon insanity. There is no such insanity at the ShareProphets Shares Show. I am busy making recordings for it every day now, please do book your seats for May 9 HERE


1648 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: when will smug Sam Smith serve up her next profits warning & Richard Branson is a prize shit

I start with my first proper training walk for Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks. Think of my sliding through the mud on my backside and make a donation HERE. The it is onto bailouts and wbhy you and I, ordinary taxpayers, should not bailout folks who own Carribean Islands and pay no UK tax, i.e. Richard Branson. Finally I look at when FinnCrap (FCAP) will serve up its next profits warning and why the shares, now just 17.5p, should plunge to 6p. And I am being generous.


1659 days ago

FinnCrap – profits warning but valuation still absurd (can I say that about a company run by a bird?)

Are the deadwood press still blowing smoke up the arse of Sam Smith, the boss of FinnCap (FCAP), a woman showing the men how it’s done in the man’s world of broking and corporate finance? Maybe there will be less blowing after a shock profits warning today.


1760 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Hey Citigate you journalist smearing mothers, it's your fave journalist calling from Greece

I have now arrived at the Greek Hovel, photos here. In today’s podcast I discuss the pitiful way Sam Smith of FinnCrap (FCAP) blames Neil Woodford for the state of AIM. For once I defend the disgraced fund manager. I look at Eurasia Mining (EUA), I3 Energy (I3E) and also at Fastjet (FJET), a company that uses journalist smearing Citigate to polish its turds. The Eurasia podcast I refer to which should now be looked at by AIM Regulation is HERE


1760 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Photo Bearcast: A warning to fellow olive harvesters, a day of travel hell but one hell of a view in Athens tonight

The photos below are from the roof of the Athens hotel in which I am holed up after a day of travel hell which I discuss and offer a warning to the trio of bearcast listeners coming to join me for the olive harvest shortly. In the bearcast I look at Inspirit (INSP), 13 Energy (E3E), Eurasia Mining (EUA) which is run by a top banana bt has a joke valuation and FinnCap (FCAP) which has a joke valuation in light of today’s interims and is run by a top er… it is run by Sam Smith.


1809 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Chris Frazer of Sirius Minerals is one almighty knobhead

In today’s podcast I discuss the latest deranged rantings of Chris Frazer, the CEO of Sirus Minerals (SXX). The guy is a total knobhead, a man wheeling out the most lamentable excuses for his own failure. I also discuss a piss poor and incomplete trading statement from smug Sam Smith’s FinnCap (FCAP) and look at two AIM zeros in waiting: Sound Energy (SOU) and Funding Circle (FCH


2105 days ago

Shock Winner of smug Sam Smith of FinnCrap Caption Contest announced

After its IPO I asked you all for suitable captions of the photo below. As you can see HERE there were many en tries but there can be only one winner of the sem i naked photo of the UK's top share blogger (mornings only), thirsty Paul Scott. If you feel aggrieved by the winner, fear not, we will have another contest featuring Sam when FinnCap (FCAP) has its first profits warning. So you will not have to wait too long. Anyhow the winner is...


2110 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Filtronic - either way FinnCrap has sinned big time, which is it?

I start with young Joshua's meeting with Santa Claus as flagged up yesterday and then discuss a couple of other Christmas rituals. Then it is onto today's shocker from Filtronic (FTC). I cover why the statement is misleading, discuss what is the real cash position and thus how quickly this could completely unravel. I then look at FinnCrap (FCAP), appointed Nomad and broker on November 15. Either it failed to do adequate Due Diligence or it has colluded in sitting on price sensitive information in clear breach of AIM Rules. Either is very naughty indeed. Which is it Sam Smith? Finally a few words on the leadership challenge to wretched Theresa May, 


2110 days ago

Telit: Disposal delays, profits warning and other fake news

If smug Sam Smith’s FinnCrap (FCAP) had any integrity at all this RNS would have contained a line about how FinnCrap had quit as Nomad after reveltaions that fraudster & fugitive from justice Uzi Katz was still pulling the strings at Telit (TCM) and that a search was on for a new adviser. But FinnCrap is morally bankrupt so let's stick to the bad news.


2114 days ago

Neil Woodford: three disasters in three days caption contest - result

A few days ago, I asked you all to come up with suitable captions for a picture of Britain's most conceited fund manager in action, destroying value. as you can see here. There were many half decent entries and also a couple from Wildes who has obviously been drooling over pictures of crazy cat woman Carole Cadwalladr again and thus returned to his favourite subject. However the winner of the semi naked photo of Britain's top share blogger (mornings only), Thirsty Paul Scott is..


2115 days ago

Thursday Caption Contest - Sam Smith at the Stock Exchange to celebrate the FinnCap IPO

The picture below is of Sam Smith the CEO of FinnCrap (FCAP) celebrating the IPO of her company on AIM at the offices of the London Stock Exchange. I ask you for suitable captions in the comments section below with the prize for the wittiest and rudest being a semi naked picture of Britain's top share blogger (mornings only), Thirsty Paul Scott. For what it is worth I set an early low bar with my suggestion...


2116 days ago

Numis statement shows why FinnCap’s IPO today is such a stinker

FinnCrap (FCAP) has today listed on AIM having raised £3.75 million of new monies while insiders dumped £1.25 million of shares on mug punters. Unfortuanately for smug Sam Smith and the FinnCrap team a statement on current trading from Numis (NUM) shows just why FinnCrap rushed to get its own IPO away and why it should be avoided like the plague.


2124 days ago

FinnCrap - the numbers, why the IPO valuation is a total rum ‘n’ coke – AVOID

If you wish to ignore my advice go ahead and pony up 28p a share (a £48 million market cap) in the IPO of smug Sam Smith’s FinnCap via Primary Bid HERE. But I would not. Here are the hard numbers which show what a joke this IPO is...


2154 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Malcolm kids himself, FinnCrap & Sam Smith must be desperate to IPO right now, why?

I start by referring you to a video just up of my labour of love, the Greek Hovel, which you can see HERE. Then I take apart the bullish nonsense about the stockmarket Malcolm Stacey served up yesterday HERE.  Finally I look at IPOs planned for the next few weeks such as that of Sam Smith's FinnCrap and broker AJ Bell. Why oh why go now? Surely they are both either mad or desperate? I discuss in detail why both should be avoided like the plague, referring also to the Funding Circle IPO debacle.


2592 days ago

The Love that Dare not Speak its email from FinnCap CEO Sam Smith

On the morning of 15 August 2017 Sam Smith the curvaceous founder and CEO of Nomad FinnCap sent an email to all her crony capitalist pals across the City boasting about her new bestest friends. That was a mistake methinks. This is all a tad embarrassing as you can see below.


2595 days ago

Emails sent to AIM Regulation & Nomad Finncap after today's Telit bombshell - this must be suspended 7 AM Monday

This is becoming Globo v2 at a an alarming rate. Today's bombshell dossier on Telit Communications (TCM) nails it as a slam dunk ZERO beyond all doubt. The only way that the shares do not completely crater in the morning is if they are suspended first. And that is exactly what should happen. As such I sent a couple of emails last night. One to tthe head of the Oxymorons Marcus Stuttard and his clueless colleagues, the Keystone Cops at AIM Regulation and the other to the folks at Nomad FinnCap from CEO Sam Smith via head of Corporate Finance Stuart Andrews down to analyst Lorne Daniel with a minor jackal in Corporate Finaance also included in case Andrews is too busy with his polo ponies to read emails on a Sunday. Enjoy!


3890 days ago

The Silverdell Scandal – A Series of SIX NEW questions for Nomad FinnCap

The Silverdell (SID) scandal is hotting up but its Nominated advisor FinnCap, headed by self-important Sam Smith (pictured), is still insisting that in trousering hundreds of thousands of pounds in fees, it has done nothing wrong. Sure thing Sam, but would you mind answering a few questions for me concerning share dealing in Silverdell shares?

You will remember that Sam’s compliance officer Mr Tubby has conducted a “full review” and found that his firm was not in any way negligent of its responsibilities

You can read Mr Tubby’s protestations of innocence and why they do not wash HERE

But before Mr Tubby goes to read a bed time story to the little Tubby’s tonight ( Three little piggy’s made their way to stockmarket, etc, etc) I have a series of new questions for him courtesy of yet another informant.


3892 days ago

The Silverdell Scandal – another question for Nomad FinnCap & Disgraced CEO Sean Nutley

The Silverdell (SID) scandal meanders on with Nominated advisor FinnCap, headed by self-important Sam Smith (pictured), insisting that in trousering hundreds of thousands of pounds in fees, it has done nothing wrong. Its Compliance Officer Mr Tubby has conducted a “full review” and found that his firm was not in any way negligent of its responsibilities. Hmmmmmm – a new whistleblower has contacted me.

You can read Mr Tubby’s protestations of innocence and why they do not wash HERE

I now turn to the trading statement of 20th June 2013 when AIM Cesspit posterboy Silverdell stressed how brilliantly it was doing even though its main subsidiary had received a winding up order on 13th June which brought the PLC down by 2nd July. When a company issues a trading statement it will have a minuted board meeting with the Chairman in charge to approve it. A copy of the minute will be passed to the Nomad before the statement is released.

Mr Tubby: 


3896 days ago

The Silverdell Scandal, FinnCap Enquiry (Judge & Jury Finncap) says Nomad Finncap did nothing wrong

I suggested that readers of this website write to Sam Smith, the self-important CEO of FinnCap the well paid Nominated adviser to disgraced AIM Cesspit ( until it was slung off) and now bust Silverdell. It seems that Ms Smith is too important to answer emails in question but readers are now getting a reply which is about as convincing as the West Ham defence.

Ms Smith is being asked to demonstrate that FinnCap did any due diligence on a series of RNS statements from Silverdell which were clearly misleading. Needless to say Finncap is not stating that it did completed full due diligence. Its compliance Officer Mark Tubby’s detailed (NOT!) response is:


3901 days ago

The Silverdell Scandal – shareholders need to write to FinnCap & here is your letter

Under AIM rules the Nominated Advisor to a company has to show that it verified as true and fair any statement used as an RNS. If it cannot show that and investors lost money they can seek financial redress from the Nomad. The Nomad to Silverdell (SID) was FinnCap run by Sam Smith (pictured).
